Sunday, 10 January 2016

Hey guys I know I haven't posted in a while I'm so sorry.  So, stress  I have been dealing with a lot of that lately. So to all my ladies who are having trouble in relationships, I have some advice for you. So I have learned that all those people who say you've gotta give more than you take, let me tell you something that's bullshit, if you give more than you take and you get nothing in return you won't have anything left to give. In relationships you are equals he should give as much as he takes and you should do the same. I know people say life is short and finding love is hard, but don't give up love will find its way to you, and your one true love will have a key so you never have to let your wall come down and you never have to leave your door open and just let someone walk in. True love always have a way of getting through the doors and living and loving it you. So till next time. Love you guys mwah